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Muscle Building Workouts - Build Muscle And Fitness The Right Way |
Tony Farrell |
Does this sound familiar to you?
You have goals for your muscle building workouts. You follow a regime that allows you to achieve those goals. You're doing everything right. But, you fall on your butt.
Then you find that you get back up and start the whole process working on your muscle building workouts all over again. Only to find that you keep falling down, getting back up again and repeating this over and over.
You do this until you think that you are never going to achieve anything here. You think that this training lark isn't for you. So what do you do?
Yep, you give up.
Why does this happen and what can I do about it?
You've probably asked yourself that question many times. But you may have found that you never came up with a real answer. You blame the muscle building workouts and everything that led you to it.
So what is the real problem?
It seems that you have the right muscle building workouts. You may have goals in mind of what you would like to achieve with that training routine.
Maybe you're doing one, or more, of the following:
* Having bad, or no, warm up sessions. * Not eating enough. * Not taking enough fluids. * Training too much. * Lifting excessive weights. * Not getting enough sleep.
These are all very common to all muscle and fitness workouts, no matter what sport you do.
These are easily identified and remedied. Just go through each one of these and see if they apply to you. If so, then identify why this is the case. Having done that, you need to find the right solution to fix it. You do this in a systematical manner, until you have fully identified what is wrong, the reason for it going wrong and the appropriate solution for it.
For example:
Lets say that you not experiencing any growth in your biceps. Ask yourself some questions of your muscle and fitness workouts:
Question: What is wrong? Answer: My biceps are not growing.
Question: What are the possible causes, and why? Answer: The exercise may be done too quickly, or maybe I'm cheating in my training, or maybe there isn't enough weight on the barbell.
Question: What can be done to remedy this? Answer: Improve my form when doing this exercise. Reduce the weight so that I don't cheat and to keep me more strict. Or increase the weight on the barbell to promote more growth in this area.
So you see, you need to identify the problem first. If you don't do this, you cannot fix it up. Then you must identify what the possible causes are so that you can offer up appropriate solutions to remedy the situation. Just go through each solution, one at a time, until you are satisfied with the results.
This requires patience and dedication. Most people will not put in the time to find out why they're going wrong. Instead they spend a lot of money and waste a lot of time trying out different solutions. Whereas, what they should have done first was to seek the answer within themselves. Then seek the appropriate solution elsewhere suitable for their muscle building workouts -- only if that solution is outside of their grasp.
About the author:
Tony Farrell makes it easier for you to achieve your muscle and fitness goals. Learn the essential 3 keys to paving the way to your goals. Get your free mini-course now.
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